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Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday Leisure Hike =D

Hari Ahad yang dinanti2 selama beberapa minggu telah tiba!
Hiking di Bukit Pelindung, Teluk Chempedak.
Din amek aku, fina, maam, n azreen pukul 10.00 pg.
Naik kancil 5 org + brg2 yg padat. Tp okey lagi ni.
Singgah Giant beli barang2 mentah untuk BBQ; ayam, kentang, mushroom soup, sosej, susu, bawang, etc. banyakk.
Sumbat lagi dekat kancil yang dah penuh tu, memang lah kaki kitorg tersepit2 kan. haha.
Then sampai kat TC, jumpe yang lain2 dekat mcD.
Dalam pukul 12 kot start hiking.
X warm up x ape, teros naik bukit.
1stly, memang terkejot sangat sebab trek nye curam gile, tanah tgh basah lak tu *musim hujan kan*.
Aku yang semput nie, dah termengah2, cam biase la aku mesti jadik org last. haha.
Baru jer suku naik dah x larat da *x kuat stamina betol aku ni*.
Then time turn aku bwk beg,(kongsi 1 beg pack dgn fina n maam), budak2 laki nie x bg aku carry, si Zhafir, Azreen, Pian, Iqbal. Pian dah suruh aku bukak beg, aku ingat dia nk carry, tp dia bg kat Iqbal. haha. Thanx Iqbal ;)
Din ade pesan kalau kitorang dengar suare org jerit2 dari atas bukit maksudnya ade basikal nak turun.
Tak lame lepas tu ade geng mountain bike nie nak race. Dapat la kami tgk free show.
Ade budak tu form 1 lagi dah join, perghh memang terbaik mereka2. Kagum kitorang. :D

yang ni ade jalan dia, okey lagi. ada banyak jalan hutan yg betol2 curam, aku x sempat nk snap, dekat2 90 darjah gk kedudukannye. Perghhh...

Macam2 jadik kat aku time nie, 1st aku terjatuh sbb licin, dan aku nye punggung terhentak akar kayu. 2 kali siot.. memang sengal2 dah punggung aku skarang. Pali cakap kat aku, "weh kesian aku tgk kau, dua kali kau jatuh terhentak kat akar kayu," hahaha. Ade jugak perasaan simpati kau kat aku Pali :P
Then kitorg sampai dekat sini...

Best dapat rehat2 jap, tangkap2 gambar, macam2 aksi mereka2 nie.
Okey, sungai x jumpe lagi, So kitorg teroskan perjalanan carik sungai yg Din penah jumpe dlu.
Kali nie jalan memang bertambah curam, banyak kali aku tergelincir. Ade 1 part nie aku jalan then peha aku terlanggar pokok kayu, Demm memang sakit ah, lepas tu kaki aku lak pijak pokok2 duri.. adehh memeritkan!
Lepas tu lalu kat 'batu belah batu bertangkup'

Kat belakang kawan2 aku tu ada lubang kecik yang membolehkan kitorang seberang situ menuju ke sungai..
Then time lepas batu tu, kan curam kan, ade la pulak 1 pokok duri2 banyak gile macam kaktus tu kat tepi laluan curam, mule la tgn aku g pegang pokok tu sebab nak tahan dari jatuh.. OUCH! dapat bygkan x mcm mane sakit hati aku bile terpegang pokok tu. huuhuhu. lepas tu kasot Nisha yg aku pinjam pulak buat hal..
tapak bawah tercabot, sebab tu aku jatuh2 aku rase *alasan*
nasib baik aku beli selipar 10 hengget kat Giant, so aku pakai la selipar tu..
bila sampai sungai, alangkah seronok hidup :)
Memang sejuk dan fresh air sungai tu, siap minum2 lagi, then tangkap udang .. *tapi udang tu attack aku balik* hahaha.

main campak2 pasir *kerja si Marham, fina, Azreen, Din, & budak2 1st year* haha.
diorang solat zohor kat situ.
Lepas tu kitorg bertolak balik..dalam hati aku time tu..*Allah, tadi time nak dtg ke sungai nie bukan turun banyak curam ke? kali ni mesti la kena NAIK pulak kan?*
haishh.. lemah semangat aku, tinggi gila kot.
dah la berselipaR!
Bile tanah licin dah masok kat selipar aku, mmg licin lah.
So aku terpaksa bukak selipar! kaki ayam dalam hutan macam org asli :)
sambil2 jalan tu mulut aku asyik2 *ouch, adeh, adui, makk* jela..
lagi sekali, aku org last, untung lah Pali n zhafir sanggup jalan lambat2 tunggu aku (aku tau diorg terpakse), yg lain dah laju dah. bagus betol diorg ni. :P
Mase jalan bertiga dgn Zhafir n Pali, mase ni la Pali bukak cerita pasal tahun 2008 dia kenal aku, time aku form 5 kot. haha. dia 1 roomate dgn Adib Redzuan rupanye.
memang kecik sgt dunia ni kan??? seram aku. hehohuhe.

Setelah selamat sampai kat tebing sungai TC tu, diorg sorak2 *tension la tu aku lambat* hahaha. then tangkap2 gmbr. lepas tu pegi laut!! terjun main ombak!!

Lepas x berapa puas berendam*sebab kena angkat barang carik port bbQ*, kitorg pegi reramai angkat barang, then carik port jauhh nun lepas Hyatt Hotel tu..
Jauh! tp privacy. nampak la mamat2 cina foreigner lalu lalang tepi pantai pakai SPENDER jer. haha bapak sempoii.. kalau katang sedap jugak mate tgk. kikikiki. x sempat aku rakam diorg. :p

ombak kali nie memang besar, siyes x tau kenapa besar sgt ombak kali ni, angin mmg kuat, sejuk gile2, menggigil2 aku.

kemudian,aku, marham ngn fina membersihkan diri kami dlm toilet Hyatt Hotel. Memang best hotel tu :) Kitorang dah kelaparan, so kitorang share duit bedal KFC sikit. Sebab nak tunggu diorang bbQ mmg kebulur lah.. Bila dah magrib kitorg pegi balik dkt tmpt bbQ. Ombak mmg besar.. angin kuat gila, menggigil aku sebab sejuk sangat!

Malam pun menjelma..
Aku tengok diorang bbQ roti,ayam... Snap gambar makanan!

Lepas makan, *ayam x habis panggang semua*.. tetiba ombak naik hentam port kitorang.. dah la aku tengah x berselipar, hanyut selipar baru aku.. nasib baik sangkut dekat semak dekat2.. kalau jatuh dlm laut mmg menangis.. hahaha.
bayangkan port kitorang dgn air laut jauh jugak tau, selalunya ombak x kan sampai kat port kitorang tu, tp mlm nie.. mmg ganas ombak tersebut. :P
bila tempat kitorg dah basah, kitorang pon start packing brg utk balik.. sebab takot air naik. habis jer pack, datang 1 ombak paling besar padamkan api bbQ kitorang.. Perghhh nasib baik semua dah setel. mungkin kitorg bising kot, omabk tu marah :P
So kitorang pon balik ke UMP .. dgn keletihan dan kepenatan, tp best! :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Erm.. Mase nie hari Khamis, 15/12/2011.
Pukul 2.00 a.m.
Kak Fina ajak aku pegi McD.
Naik kereta Ijoy, sebab aku pinjam petang tu x pulangkan lagi.
So, pinjamlah untuk malam2 teros. hihi.
Aku ajak gak ijoy & ejad gi mcD, tp diorg kempunan nasik kukus,
so diorg tolak pelawaan aku (rugi siot diorg) haha.
Maam n Nisha dah pengsan berdengkur dah, nak kejut tp kena marah *ade orang mamai* haha.
Then masa kt court depan C1, kitorg nampak ramai student cina dok baring kat lantai court tu tengok langit, bukan setakat kat situ jer, dekat tempat2 mesin senaman *ala yang free kat taman permainan tu* tu pon ramai gk.
Dengar2 hujan meteor mlm ni..
Tapi aku kempunan mcD lagi time nih..

Then bila smpai kat mcD, kami pon beli la curl fries + mcFlurry.
memang sedapp tapi curly fries agak masin disitu.
Lalu aku cecah dengan aiskrim dan menjadi sedap! :D

Eh eh, larik topik lak nie.
So lepas makan asikrim tu, kitorg lepak tepi pantai,
Saja nk tgk ombak..
langit cerah sangat time tu..
nampak bulan, bintang.. banyak!
Kitorg mula mencarik METEOR!..


Fina : Eh pka, akak nampak meteor!! (dengan nada sangat excited!)
Aku : eh eh mane mane??? alaa x de pon?? (kecewa gile)
Fina : ade la, akak nampak dia turun laju jer, cahaye kaler biru. 1st time tu nampak, excited akak!

Dalam hati aku time tu "Ishh geram nye, asal kak fina nampak aku x nampak2 lagi ni??Ya ALLAH, tolongla tunjukkan aku meteor, aku teringin sangat nak tengok, dapat tengok sekali pon jadiklah Ya ALLAH"

Aku nak sangat tengok meteor ciptaan Allah tu, sebab tu aku doa banyak kali..

Dan x sampai 1 minit lepas aku doa..

Aku nampak 1 cahaya kaler biru kat langit! PERGGGHHH ..
Cantik tapi laju sangat!!
Aku suruh kak fina tengok tapi x de dah,
tiba-tiba muncul lagi 2 meteor macam tengah kejar-kejar.
Kali ni jelasss sangat warna biru nye, dan nampak besar!
Lebih kurang macam nie la meteor nye :)

Alhamdulillah, tercapai jugak hajat aku nak tengok meteor,
bukan dapat tgk sekali, 3 kali pulak tu dalam masa yg sama.

Perasaan aku masa tengok meteor 1st time tu, MEREMANG bulu roma.
X tau kenapa, tapi rasa seram sejuk + excited + bersyukur!

Sebab 20 tahun hidup kali pertama nampak kan.. Kalau aku amek kelas ASTRONOMI tu lain cerita lah kan memang selalu buat kajian. hehe.

Lepas tu, dalam pukul 4 lebih kitorg bergerak balik UMP, kali ni kak Fina yang drive..
Aku bukak tingkap kereta & sepanjang perjalanan aku tengok jer langit, mane la tau rezeki nampak lagi..

aku terlelap sekejap... then bile aku bukak mata jer, 1 meteor panjang lalu!
Kaler x berapa bright tapi panjang menurun ke bawah! Alhamdulillah nampak lagi :)
then bile nak sampai UMP pon nampak 1 lagi meteor (",)

total 5 aku dapat tengok, even member2 lain dapat tgk banyak dari aku tp aku x kesah pon, asalkan dapat tgk ye x?
lepas tu hantar kereta kat kk2, then aku bercerita dgn excited nye kat ijoy.
haha tula jual mahal x nak ikot lagi, rugi rugi .. :P

Hope 23hb nie dapat tgk lagi meteor :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I love this song so much,
even its outdated *release in 2009 if i'm not mistaken*
but the lyrics are so cool :)

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

Copy Paste from my SUNBAE-NIM who posts on my FB wall this Morning. Thanx bro :D

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in (avoid these smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great).

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Why people change??
What do we get if we change something??
Do we need to change or do we need to just improve ourselves??

For me, all people change with a reason.
For example, when a married couple live happily together for 2 years, suddenly their husband@wife changing.. Whats that mean??
Maybe because they have crush with another person..
Maybe they can't give babies to their couples..
Maybe they bored with each other?? NO ! True love doesn't have BORING @ BORED WORDS!


If people ask you, "Why you change already now??"
What do u have to answer??
Just say, " I change due to my age " or u can say, "People change from time to time"
I think that's the simplest but full of meaning answer that we can give.

Nobody change without a reason!
If someone said "I just want to change because of nothing, just for fun!"
L.I.A.R !!
Everything comes with reason.
Even a small baby crying at night, still have reason.
They can't talk, they can't tell, but we CAN understand what they want.
But it's different with adult.
They can talk, they can tell, but we CAN'T understand what they want.
Because it's complicated.

If you want to change, make sure you improvise yourself.
Don't simply change because you feel that's the good way for you.
If you already have boyfriend @ girlfriend, don't decide something that only good for you.
Think two sides.
Make decision for the best of you two.
Every decision that u had make may lead to happiness or sadness, either for u or for your couples.
Life's short.
So don't ruin it.
Chances are not easy to come.. If you just let it go, U WILL FALL!

Sometimes most of people said, " I'm alone, so I want to change, I want to become bad."
GOD always with you.
FRIENDS are always with you.
FAMILY are always with you.
"I don't have friends, I don't have family, but i still have GOD."
I love this sentence.
Nobody are alone in this world,
So don't say that you want to change just because you're alone.
It's a very bad reason, nobody can accept it.
Why u feel alone??
" I break up with my BF/GF "
" My BF/GF have another GF/BF "
" My family hates me, they shout at me "
" My results are bad, I study hard but all turns out so bad "
Those are few reasons that we usually hear when people said they are LONER.
This is just a test!
Maybe u break up with ur couples, but it doesn't mean u have to be alone and change!
Maybe ur family angry with you, but it doesn't mean they HATES you!
Maybe ur results are not good, but it doesn't mean it FAILS your life!

F.Y.I ,
I write this to motivate MYSELF and people who read this.
This is what i feel to myself now,
I create this so that I will not feel bad about myself.
I hope these will helps you too.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Haa?? Ape??
lagi 3 minggu nak study week??
Camne nie??
Cakap azam x nak keluar jejalan la..
still keluar?

dah ade dua TAIK LALAT kat DUA2 TAPAK KAKI aku.
Memang lah aku kuat berjalan2 kan :)